I am changing things up around here and gettin’ focused and brave with this blog. Before now this blog was a hodge-podge of different subjects and ideas that I had in my head. It was previously called Another.Blog. – that’s how scattered it was. Now I’m refocusing and rebranding this space and I’m super excited…
I grew up on a small court. Despite it’s size, there were two groves of trees. One grove next to my parents and the other next to my grandparents. In some respects, I grew up inside these trees more so than from within the walls of my home. So long as there were not ridiculous…
I think I swear because I’m Type A (TA for the purposes of this post). Type B people on the other hand are so chill about everything there probably isn’t anything to swear about. Consider the evidence: TA people (as I described in a previous post) can be competitive and all about the win; racing…
A is for Ally. A is for Awesome. Aries. April. Absolutely Ass-kicking. Amazing. A is for Awfully funny. A is also for Personality Type ‘A.’ And Type A people kind of seem like assholes (also an ‘A’ word), pushing their way around, waiting to have heart attacks. At least that is what I get by reading all…
I’ve gotten heat that my use of the ‘F’ word will reflect poorly on me as a parent. One argument was that anyone wanting to find fault with my parenting and therefore get in the way of my relationship with my son, might use my social media presence (which often includes my favorite expletive) against…
Despite popular belief, I do have control over my use of the ‘F’ word. Most people wouldn’t know it because they have this assumption that I always shoot from the hip and don’t censor myself. Like I just talk and don’t think about what I’m saying. While sometimes this is true – especially in person…