Mainly I write about relationships because they tell you when you write nonfiction that you have to have a platform and that platform is being an expert in something. Of course, when they say this about nonfiction they aren’t talking about memoirists, not really. At least not in my opinion. They are talking about people…
Over brunch with my web-guy one day, around the time I launched my site, I told him I would pay him back for his work (which he graciously did for free) when I was BIG Famous. The words just kind of came out before I had even given them much thought. (And now I love…
I’m getting ready to go to a writing event where for a small fee you can have fifteen minutes to pitch your book project to a literary agent. For those of you in the industry, you know pitching your book to an agent is a big deal and that fifteen minutes is generous. Many places…