Since the divorce, my relationship expectations have changed. Before marriage, it felt like being on the hunt. (I’m guessing this metaphor works as I’ve never actually hunted for anything. Maybe 4 -leaf clovers, but given my luck, you can guess how many of those I’ve ever found. Yeah, you got it. 0.) I felt like…
When you end up in your 30s post-divorce and stuck in a job that ignores your potential and would never suggest you paid time and money for higher education, you wake the fuck up. You look back on all the things you thought you would do, all the aspirations you had, and realize your life…
Mainly I write about relationships because they tell you when you write nonfiction that you have to have a platform and that platform is being an expert in something. Of course, when they say this about nonfiction they aren’t talking about memoirists, not really. At least not in my opinion. They are talking about people…
I am a bit of a bleeding heart. This does not fare well in choosing a better partner. Those who know me, or at the very least, watch enough TV with me will attest that ASCPA, St. Jude, Operation Smile, and other such commercials make me weepy, tug on my heartstrings, and just nearly have…
I recognize that it looks really dodgy that after a few posts blasting on nice guys that I just up and went MIA. Probably appeared like I was running away in guilt. Or maybe instead of being like, “That’s right you awful person, RUN!” you were thinking one of those nice guys came back and…
The last post I published to my blog was about the time I intentionally tried to date nice guys. And it got me thinking about the age-old saying “nice guys finish last.” People have said this forever. I’ve never given it much thought as to why people say this. Why do they finish last? It…
When I got ready to move back to Vermont after finishing grad school, I knew the one thing I would miss would be the metro park down the street from my apartment. It had become an old and trusted friend, another home, a place to center myself and be. Something about my solitude and comfort…
*FIRST NOTE: This is the second post in a series called Breakup Subscription Boxes. It may do you some good to read the first post before diving into this one otherwise you probably won’t get it. While I had originally intended to do two more posts – similar to this one – it’s a lot…
Google “breakup subscription boxes” and you’ll find that these exist. Why do I know this? When I was preparing for my pitch event, I read somewhere that a potential question from an agent might be: what are your goals for the book apart from publication? At first, my drafted response was to launch myself into…
NOTE: The following post was based off this writing prompt: write a weather report. This is the first post about misguided romance and my unpredictable, somewhat tragic, and darkly humorous love life. There will be more. For now, you can view the description of my memoir (in-progress) to get a sense of what this is…